Saturday, March 8, 2008

Hitch In The Travel Plans!

Well, the first leg of our trip has not gone as well as hoped - I'm sure the rest of the trip will go much smoother.

Our original plan had us well on our way to Kiev from Raleigh at this point. However, here we sit in the RDU airport waiting to leave. It appears the weather in the midwest US has slowed air traffic across the country, and our flight has been delayed such that we can not make our connecting flight to Kiev. When we inquired about changing our flight, we we told nothing else was available until Monday! Thanks to a friendly and sympathetic Delta employee at the gate (thanks Carolina - Delta ID 393619), Tonya and I will be re-routed on another air carrier and will (hopefully) arrive in Kiev only 9 hours later than originally planned!

So, our adventure has definietly begun! We have updated our coordinator in the Ukraine with our new flight arrangements, but here it is for the rest of you:

RDU to London-Gatwick Flight 174 American Airlines

Depart RDU 6:45PM Arrive Gatwick 7:00AM (Sun., March 09)

London-Gatwick to Kiev Flight 502 Ukraine International Airline
Depart Gatwick 11:30AM Arrive Kiev 4:50 PM (Sun., March 09)

Tonya and I are hopeful that this is the first and last hitch we will encounter!

Keep checking her for new info -

Joe & Tonya


Tadd said...

Hope the second leg of your travel went smoothly. Just wanted to give you a race update. 1-Kyle Busch 2-Tony Stewart 3-Dale Jr 4-Biffle 5- Jeff Gordon.

Have a great day in Kiev

Tadd said...

Oh yeah, Carolina won too. I think it was 76-68.